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  • Writer's pictureCorey Grant

Is Sober Living Housing Effective?

A sober living housing program is often touted as one of the most effective ways to help someone overcome their addiction. But is that truly the case? Is sober living housing effective in helping people enter in, and stay in, recovery?

Recent research has shown that while sober living housing is a successful treatment option, it is not the only treatment option. For example, one study comparing the effectiveness of sober living housing versus other treatment methods found that there was no difference in the outcome between the two groups. Similarly, another study found that while residents who had participated in a 12-step program were more likely to remain sober, the differences between the different types of treatment programs were very small. This seems to imply that there is no single “best” treatment method, but rather that the best approach will vary from one individual to the next.

Even though these studies suggest that sober living is not more effective than other forms of treatment, they are still important because they highlight the benefits that this type of program has to offer.

What Are We Talking About?

When we discuss "sober living housing" as a treatment method - what, exactly, are we talking about?

Simply stated, sober living facilities are residential centers where recovering addicts can live and receive support to help them stay sober. They usually provide a structure that allows residents to pursue employment and educational and life skills training during the day while still having access to treatment and recovery services in the evenings and on weekends.

People who enroll in sober living programs come from all walks of life. Whether they’ve just finished rehab or they recently relapsed after several months of sobriety, sober living homes are extremely advantageous and beneficial for people of all ages and in all stages of addiction recovery.

Rather than relying on standard treatment methods, sober living facilities allow individuals to receive customized support that is tailored to their needs and circumstances. It also allows them to live independently and prioritize their recovery without having to worry about everyday tasks such as cooking and cleaning. These factors can help make a significant difference in the lives of those who are struggling with addiction.

The Reasons Sober Living Homes Work Well

In order to understand how effective a transitional housing program is, we need to examine how it supports ongoing sobriety in various ways. It is important to note that sober living homes (also called halfway houses) serve a very different purpose from rehab when it comes to addiction treatment.

  • Sober Living Homes provide a safe, sober living environment – The goal of a sober living home is to provide a safe, sober, and supportive living environment. If a person’s home environment is chaotic, unstable, or promotes substance abuse, they are much more likely to fall back into a lifestyle of drug and alcohol abuse. Sober living homes provide supportive and structured living spaces that limit the number of high-risk situations and the triggers that people encounter. This gives residents in recovery the time they need to practice living sober independently and decreases their risk of relapse during this transitional time.

  • Sober Living Homes help residents establish a stable lifestyle and healthy habits – It takes some time to adjust to a whole new lifestyle and after rehab, many people will need support working through this process. Transitional housing programs and sober living homes give people in recovery the opportunity to establish healthy routines that do not involve substance abuse as they gradually assimilate into a new lifestyle of sobriety.

  • Sober Living Homes encourage relationship-building within a sober network of peersMost people begin establishing a support network of sober peers in rehab but enrolling in a sober living program can help to continue this process. Residents live with their peers, attend weekly 12-step support group meetings and resident house meetings, and receive one-on-one mentorship with sober coaches while living at a sober home, so they have plenty of opportunities to build healthy relationships with other people who support their sobriety and can understand the struggles of sobriety maintenance.

  • Sober Living Homes help residents become contributing and productive members of society –When you are in early recovery, it can be difficult to find a job and connect with community activities and organizations. A sober living program will help residents become active and contributing members of society by providing employment and - volunteer assistance. In addition to helping financially and socially, this can also boost self-esteem and self-efficacy.

Will It Work For Me (Or Those I Care About)?

High-quality sober living homes are proven to provide support and improve sobriety maintenance among people in recovery.

As part of a 2011 study published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 300 individuals recovering from addiction were observed to be affected by sober living programs. The study found that those who participated in 12-step recovery programs, lived in a sober environment, and had a supportive network of sober peers were much more likely to achieve sustained sobriety with few or no relapses. These results supported the theory that living in a supportive community of other recovering addicts is beneficial to the recovery process.

Even though the research supports the benefits and efficacy of high-quality sober living programs, this treatment method only is as effective as they buy-in. In other words, you can experience the effectiveness of a great sober living program by experiencing it for yourself. Just as with detox and rehab, the results of any treatment program will vary based on the amount of effort and dedication that is put into it, but many of our sober living alumni have gone on to live happy and successful sober lives after leaving a Sober Living Network Ventura County house.

How Long Do I Have to Stay to Remain in Recovery?

Although not all people who complete drug rehab enroll in a transitional housing program afterward, many do. Sober living houses provide many distinct advantages for people recovering from addiction, but they are not required for clients to complete them after rehab.

Recovery support services and sober living can be tailored to the individual needs of residents. This is because sober living homes come in all shapes and sizes with varying levels of support and structure.

It is possible to find several different types of sober living homes in Southern California, such as those provided by Sober Living Network Ventura County. If a resident needs more support, they can choose to live in a shared room with two or more roommates, or live in a single room on their own. To ensure residents receive the appropriate level of care based on their needs and circumstances, Sober Living Network Houses offers different support options within a peer recovery support program. These include regular individual and group counseling sessions, as well as weekly meetings to help prepare our residents for long-term recovery and transition back into the community.

So does sober living housing work? As long as they are brave men and women willing to put in the work, then the answer is "yes"!

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